Friday, June 4, 2010

Holt Jr. Rams U10 Brown struggled at Fowlerville Tournament.

At the Fowlerville Tournament, our team had difficulty with the bats against Greenville in their opening game. We only had 2 hits, one each by Jackson and Ethan who also scored and the other run scored was by Evan. The final score was 3-7 with Greenville coming out on top.
In the second game against the Holt Jr. Rams Gold team, our boys had a little better luck with their bats but only in the 4th inning where they scored all of their 6 runs. We lost 6-20 but Bryce had a long triple to end the day!
The final game was against Southgate where we lost 4-15 and scored all 4 runs in the 3rd inning. Let's hope the batting practice will help in our next game!