Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Holt U10 Brown splits at St. Johns Tourney!

    The Rams downed Mount Morris in game one of the St. Johns Tournament on June 18th by a score of 14-2. Dalton and Ethan pitched and struck out 11 batters in a combined 4 innings. The bats were swinging as singles were made by Ethan, Cameron M, Dalton, Bryce, Max Andrew and Jackson while Jacob blasted a double!
    Game two was a different story as both the offense and defense struggled against St. Johns. We lost 4-12 with only one hit made by Evan, while 7 batters were retired with strikeouts. Our pitchers faltered as well, they walked 14 batters while only giving up 2 hits.
     The next game was against Grand Ledge Silver, and our boys stepped up to the challenge! Our pitching combination of Dalton, Ethan and Evan each pitched 2 innings and together struck out 10 batters in those 6 innings. We had just enough fire on our bats to pull out the game by winning 7-5. Ethan, Dalton, Max and Andrew each landed on base with singles to help their team come out on top!
    The semi-final game was against top seeded Grand Ledge Blue. We were outmatched both offensively and defensively. Our pitching staff could only strike out one batter and Dalton was our only player to land a single. Their pitching was so strong, they struck out 9 Jr. Rams and took the win 11-1.
    We went 2-2 for the tournament but our bats finally came alive!